...the life and times of church planting and language learning in south korea...

Saturday, April 10, 2004

new pictures, excellent day

I posted some new pictures on my online photo album of spring, friends at lifegroup, and some pictures of my so cute kids at school. Check it out!

Today was another absolutely beautiful day in Seoul. We had a team meeting this morning, which began with worship and prayer. I totally zoned in during worship, even though it was really short. I don't know how to explain it, but sometimes (it hasn't happened in a while until today) when I close my eyes and really get into it, I open my eyes with a different perspective. Not just a different emotional perspective, although that happens too, but I actually feel a little removed from where I am physically. It's good.

After our team meeting, some friends came over to color eggs for an Easter egg hunt that Shannon and Renee organized. I got to help color a few before going to lifegroup with the guys. We had lifegroup together today (girls and guys) outside in a little covered area. It was so excellent. Afterwards, some guys played basketball and some of us went to eat lunch, then I went back up the hill to take a nap outside. I ended up reading my book Travelling Mercies by Anne Lamont instead of taking the nap, though. Interesting book in many ways. Then, I came home and took a nap in my bed.

I wanted to go get the tires aired up on my new-to-me bike (given to me by our friend Koh, who translates at our church), but I halfway knew that once I got to my apartment I would fall asleep, even though I had plans to be productive. In my defense, I did get only 5 hours of sleep last night. :)


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