...the life and times of church planting and language learning in south korea...

Tuesday, April 06, 2004


Yesterday was arbor day here in Korea. I went to eat lunch (shabu shabu - you cook your meat and veggies and stuff in boiling broth, then pull it out into your little bowl to eat) with my friend So Young and my old Korean tutor Jung Min. It was SO good, and it was a beautiful day, too. After lunch, we went to Olympic Park, which I found out is only a 10 minute bus ride from my apartment. Wow! It was full of people rollerblading and picnicking, enjoying the beautiful spring weather. The cherry trees are in bloom and so are a bunch of other beautiful plants. There are these wonderful yellow flowering bushes and some trees that have no leaves but have huge white flowers all over. After walking around for a while, we headed over to one of the gymnasiums for a worship event. One church that we know brought in Noel Richards, a worship leader from England. They also had their own worship band. We took some of our friends with us. I think it was really good for us all to experience some excellent Korean worship (with some English worship too). We enjoyed it!


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