...the life and times of church planting and language learning in south korea...

Thursday, March 25, 2004

listening to Misty Edwards

She's a girl from IHOP Kansas City. I got to experience worship with her leading when I visited last summer. She recently released a CD that is really amazing. At first, I was a little disappointed in it, partly because I really wanted one particular song on it that wasn't there, but it has really grown on me. Tonight, I have been just praying along with it while I am singing along. Really powerful stuff:
Let your fire burn consuming me! Let your jealous flame come take away everything! Let your fire burn consuming me, let your jealous flame come write your name upon my heart, until all that remains is the light of your countenance. And, I will be satisfied, when I awaken as a lover of you!

We got news yesterday that one of the girls (an American teaching English here) in our church has cancer in her thyroid and is gonna have surgery to remove it. For some reason, that news really frustrated me. She's young (a year younger than me) and away from her family. We have been praying for her since she's been going in for testing to see what was wrong. It seems like God should have answered our prayers and everything should be ok. Does that sound really juvenile of me, to expect God to work my way? Of course, I know God answers prayers in lots of ways, not always the ways we want or expect. Now that I am a church planter, I feel this sort of responsibility for the people in our church. I want everything to be peachy for all of us. Like that's my job? Anyway, pray for her. I know God has her in the palm of His hand and He will work this out for His glory. Praise Him!

On another note, my apartment suddenly looks really big in comparison to another friend's who I helped move in yesterday. Seriously, it is more than twice as big as hers. That is really scary! I love my apartment!

More from Misty's CD:
I'm in love with a man, I'm in love with a stranger. I'm in love with my Maker, whom I have never seen. I'm in love with the Lamb, I'm in love with the Lion. I'm in love with my Savior, whom I have yet to know. Oh, won't You let me love you more? This is all that I desire!


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