...the life and times of church planting and language learning in south korea...

Thursday, March 18, 2004


I just listened to a message from Jacob's Well church online. Somehow, I stumbled across this site - I think as a link from the vintage faith site. Anyway, it really spoke to me about hearing and following God's dreams for me and for our church here in Korea. One of the things he said was that we've become good at holding each other accountable for our sins. Maybe it's equally important to hold each other accountable for our dreams. I want us as a church, as Christ's manifestation to our neighbors here in South Korea, to be compelled by the vision God gives us. I want to dream big, to hear God and jump at the chances He shows us to impact the world.

I have been thinking lately: do I shrink back from big vision? Do I only bite at small, attainable goals and leave the big dreams for bigger fish? In one sense, I can answer no, because I did jump at the chance to join a team to start a church. In another sense, I think I do shrink back because now that I am here, I know God wants to keep stretching us and growing us as a body, but it's easier to keep doing what we've become comfortable with. (You're probably thinking, how can they already be comfortable in only 6 or so months of being a church? Well, it happens!)

I had a dream the other night that I was organizing a birthday celebration and I had come up with these really strange, elaborate plans to have a bunch of cellists playing music as they were going down a water slide. It was going to be so excellent, but then one of my more musically inclined friends told me that I had given some of the cellists viola or bass music instead of the cello part. That made me really frustrated, because they had already practiced this wrong music and were ready to go with it. (I don't know if this dream was meant to have meaning, but I think it was, because I asked God to give me a dream before I went to bed.) Anyhow, could this dream mean that I am in a place of leadership I am unqualified for? (Yes.) Could this mean that God wants me to dream big, but listen close so that I get the parts right? Could this mean that He wants me to dream big and strange dreams and if I mess up, it's ok, because His grace is sufficient? Hmmm. Want to comment?


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