...the life and times of church planting and language learning in south korea...

Thursday, March 04, 2004


Wow, today it started snowing at about 4:30 and it's still going at 10pm. I'm still not used to the snow.... I just get so excited when it snows! Today after work (fortunately I was wearing my long, warm coat) I went for a walk around some parts of my neighborhood I hadn't explored yet. I just wanted to be out in the snow. Then, Scott called from Chili's (yes we have that in Seoul and it's only about a 15 minute walk from my apartment) where he was meeting some friends. I went to join them, then walked back home in the snow. It was excellent. I stopped for some coffee on the way (what is more delicious than sipping a latte while you're walking home in the snow?) and the girl at the counter complimented me on my Korean. That really makes me happy. She asked how long I have been here and I told her 7 months. She acted like "oh, how can you know Korean so well in only 7 months!" Of course, I really barely know anything, but when you can say anything more than hello and thank you, they think you're a genius. Anyway... all that makes for a most excellent night.


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