...the life and times of church planting and language learning in south korea...

Thursday, April 08, 2004

don't need what they sell? just wait a while!

Today as I was leaving the subway station on my way to work from life group, I noticed that the store next to the stairway had changed again. When I first moved here, they sold all sorts of plastic stuff, everything only 2,000 won! There was even a little guy there shouting a continual stream of "come buy this great stuff! only 2,000 won! you really need one of these! don't pass up this deal!" (Or, at least that's what I imagine what his Korean yells might translate to.) After that, it changed to womens pantyhose, underwear, and slimming garments. That was actually pretty long-lived. I guess lots of people buy those things as they're getting on or leaving the subway! I think the next line of goods was various cosmetic supplies. Today, the new line of products was high heeled shoes. (Women here, especially those in their 20s and 30s wear high heeled shoes almost exclusively. They wear them with everything, no matter whether they are dressed up or not.)


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