...the life and times of church planting and language learning in south korea...

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

grand times in Texas

Today I'm at my friend Robin's house. Her cute boy is taking a nap and she's making white chocolate covered cranberries (my old favorite Christmas time treat!) in the kitchen while she lets me catch up on email and stuff on the computer. I've been staying in Austin with my grandma while I visit people in Dripping. Too bad I can't spend quality time with everyone, but I'm cramming in as much as I can! It feels so normal in one way, but so strange in another to be hanging out with all these people here at home. I feel like I have so much to share, but I don't think I do a very good job of sharing it. I'm pretty good at answering questions, though, as long as they're not too vague. Maybe I should keep a list of good questions that people ask me and publish a list of good questions to ask your friend who's visiting from a foreign country. Thankfully, most of my friends are so interested in hearing about stuff that they'll keep asking until they get what they want.

Tonight, I'm going to the prayer ministry team at my church. Last time when I came home, it was the highlight of my week. They were so encouraging and I felt like I left with a basketful of good stuff in the spiritual to take away with me. So, needless to say, I have high expectations of this time.


Blogger Jenni said...

Hey -- if you are in Abilene over Christmas, let me know - I'd love to get a coke or something and hear firsthand some of your stories. I'll be headed out from Dallas on the 24th and will probably leave Abilene on the 29th or 30th.

3:48 AM

Blogger RD said...

hey Lela,
Glad you have some time back in the States. We are currently on a roadtrip through NM and TX to see family and friends before heading out Jan 22nd. It actually feels kind of like a little "home leave" (or I guess most people call it furlough). I'll be praying about your visa - we are also praying about ours. The application along with our passports have been sent off so we are praying for them to return prior to leaving for the airport the morning of Jan 22nd! When do you head back to Korea? Look forward to continuing to keep up on your adventures (and I totally understand about having so much to share but not being able to share it very well ... I find myself just saying "we're excited" over and over again - there must be a better way to convey all of the anticipation, excitement, nervousness, etc. that we feel every single day!) Enjoy your time at home.
- rebecca

2:55 AM


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