...the life and times of church planting and language learning in south korea...

Monday, December 06, 2004

cold, comin' home

It's cold today. I haven't checked the weather, but I think a cold front blew in yesterday afternoon. Lucky for me, I tried to get on wireless in my apartment next to my window just now and it's working! I just layed out all of the presents I have accumulated through the year on my table and am about to sort through and wrap them. Fun. I'm trying to get my visa situation sorted out for when I come back, but immigration isn't answering. I should be able to get a student visa, but I'm not sure if I really want that or if I should just get a tourist visa again. Hmmn.

I've got a few errands to take care of in the next three days, then I get to leave for TEXAS on Thursday morning! I also get to Texas on Thursday morning. So strange how that works. I'll be eatin' some tasty Mexican food and seeing friends and family so soon!


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