my kids are way cute
Today, in my K6 class (my youngest class - they're 6 years old Korean, which is about 5 American age), I had pairs of students come up to the front to practice saying our new phrase. They think it's great to come to the front of the room and do this. One of them would hold a pencil, a marker, an eraser, etc. and the other one would ask "Can I use your pencil?". The other one would then hand over the pencil and say "Yes, you can!" The one littlest guy, James, came up, and I was squatting down to be at their level and remind them of the phrase if they needed it. He backed right up into me to feel more secure, and then held my hand. How cute! I love these little Korean guys. They will hold onto each others hands as they run in from the playground and even sit together holding hands sometimes. Of course, the girls do it, too, but it's cuter when the little boys do it. They're not ashamed! Here's a picture of a few of the students in this class for your viewing - it was taken during the winter, so everybody has lots of clothes on.
I am so glad to be reconnecting with you! I'd love to hear all about what you're doing in S. Korea, how long you've been there, etc. And how exciting that we will be so close in January . . . well, not really that close, but closER! I've never been to Korea but I am a true craver of kimchi!
5:41 AM
So how is it that age in years is calculated differently in Korea so that a 6 year old equates to a 5 year old American child?
10:50 PM
In Korea, you're a year old when you are born. Everyone turns a year older at the new year, so there can be a difference of a year or two, depending on when your birthday is. It's kinda confusing, and once I think I have it figured out, someone else tells me something different. But, that's the general idea anyhow.
9:51 PM
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