...the life and times of church planting and language learning in south korea...

Thursday, September 02, 2004

mornings off

This week, I have all the mornings off because intensive classes ended and kindergarten English classes don't start until next week. It's really excellent, but I feel like I haven't gotten much done. Yesterday was good - I had to go turn in my old phone (it was part of the deal on my new phone) at TechnoMart, so I got there by 10, had some breakfast at Dunkin' Donuts, and turned my phone in. Then, I met Jason at the bank and we were successful in applying for check cards that will also work as transportation cards on the subways and buses. It was my third try, and it was the charm. They understood what I wanted, we spoke a mix of Korean and English, and the cards are being made.
This morning, however, I woke up and prayed a bit, then checked my email and answered a few of them (one of my goals for today was to try to reduce the number of e-mails that needed to be answered in my inbox), but then I fell asleep as I was reading on my bed. I ended up being awakened by Jason signing on to Yahoo Messenger. When Jason is getting up earlier than me, that's a bad sign. (He also generally goes to bed later than me, but anyway...). Jason, hope you're not offended, but I don't think you read this anyway. If you do read this, I'll buy you dinner. (It doesn't count if someone else reads it and clues you in.) So, when I did get up for real at 10, I went jogging, then came back to eat a late breakfast and head to work. Hopefully this week of restful mornings will make me energized for those extra kindergarten classes next week!


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