...the life and times of church planting and language learning in south korea...

Friday, February 25, 2005

studying, etc.

Another week already over! It went by fast. I am trying to spend my time this afternoon (now evening, I guess) studying. I have done a few pages in my practice book, looked up a few words, etc, and that's about it. I rediscovered a Korean language study site this week, after looking at the stats available on my new counter (that I installed on the occassion of my year anniversary.) It's a really interesting site for me. The author lived in Korea and now doesn't, but still wants to speak Korean fluently someday. It has a list of a bunch of Korea blogs and other stuff on the links page, and I am one of the blogs. Didn't know that until I saw the stats on my site (one of the things you can see is if someone found your site through a link from another.) So, I pretended I was actually studying while looking around on that site for a while, too.

I've been meaning to start a prayer group for North Korea, and it finally happened this week. I really just wanted to keep myself accountable to at least one concentrated time of prayer per week (more than just a few prayers here and there). So, now there's a time for anyone who wants to come 30 minutes before our normal Wednesday night prayer time. Hopefully we can grow as a church into more awareness for the persecuted church there and develop more of a heart for the situation there. We're so close, and so connected to North Korea as a country that it's a shame not to. I started going a few weeks ago to a group that meets in Seoul to pray and talk about North Korea related stuff. The discussion varies, depending on who shows up. There's usually someone there who wants to share a testimony (sometimes from a NK defector) or about the work they're doing related to North Korea. It's becoming a great way for me to stay aware of what work is going on in and around there and to stay open to what God might want to do through me.

We were supposed to have some snow this week, but barely got any. I was hoping for a really nice snowfall before winter was over, but now we probably won't get one. I'm jealous of hearing from friends in England and New York who are getting beautiful snows. Here, it's just cold. Our heater has been out the past two days at school. Today I came home, made a cup of tea, turned the heat up, and laid down on the floor to study. I love floor heating!


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