...the life and times of church planting and language learning in south korea...

Monday, February 07, 2005

Exodus and Leviticus

I'm still trucking through the Bible, and enjoying it for the most part. I have to admit, though that some of that nasty stuff on leprosy made me read a little faster. I started Numbers today, but I thought I'd post some thoughts on Exodus and Leviticus (very general) here just to help me summarize and process.
Exodus 13- I would love to get a look at those pillars of cloud and fire. I bet the Israelites thought they were pretty cool at first, but then they got used to them. How does God lead me in my journey? Maybe I'm taking for granted what I once thought was amazing.

Exodus 14- The Red Sea. Some great verses here: vs. 13, 14"Fear not and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you today...The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."
vs.15 - "Why are you crying to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward!" Sometimes we have a clear word from God, but we're still crying about it instead of being obedient. Just go forward in faith!
I was also struck by the fact that it seems like the Egyptians were very close for a while, but the amazing protective hand of God kept them safe with the pillar of cloud that came between them. (verses 19-20)

Exodus 15 - Wow, what a beautiful praise filled song from Moses. I'm so glad his song is included in this book.

Exodus 24:9-11 - I remember a sunday school teacher telling me that Moses was the only one who ever got to see God(later in Chapter 33), but here it says that Moses, Aaron, and Nadab all "saw the God of Israel" (vs.10). A beautiful picture...under his feet was a pavement of sapphire stone, like the very heaven for clearness. They even "beheld God and ate and drank." (vs. 11)!

Exodus 33:11 "Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend." Amazing. We have that same opportunity every day today. I want that kind of relationship with God!

Exodus 33:12-23 - Because of Moses' intimate relationship with the Lord, his intercession for his people is effective. Wow.

Then, there's the rest of Exodus and on to Leviticus. All the preparation for the temple, all the rules for sacrifices. A lot of stuff there. My summary is this...God is holy. We only have access to Him through Jesus. All of these descriptions are illustrative of how far short we would fall without faith in the one who bridges the gap for us. We're still called to obedience, of course. Obedience out of love for Jesus. The core of my prayer is simple: Increase my love!


Blogger Brandon said...

Hi Lela,

It's good to hear from you. I just re-started my blog - deleted about 100 political posts from last year and started fresh. Now it will probably be pretty boring, but you're welcome to stop by any time.

Your mom mentioned that you were in Korea - very impressive! I hope you are enjoying it there. I guess I'll read the rest of your blog and find out.

Take care!

3:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

12:15 PM


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