...the life and times of church planting and language learning in south korea...

Friday, February 04, 2005

feelin' fine

I'm feeling mighty fine now that my mid-term exam is finished. It took three hours to finish it this morning (listening, reading, grammar, and an interview). I finished before most of the people, but I think that's probably because I was antsy to get out of there. I think I did okay, though.

I treated myself to a well-being burger for lunch (veggie patty and pineapple inside - so tasty!) and then a 450 won (50 cent) ice cream bar from the convenience store on the way home. All the way through the test, I was thinking how I just wanted to go home and take a nap, but then when I got home, I had the urge to get the place clean. While I was cleaning, I listened to a great sermon online from the church that sent and supports our team here (the church that planted the one I call home). I'm a little behind in listening since I didn't have internet for a while, and then went to Texas, so I listened to Jim's message at the bottom of the list about joy. It'll probably only be there a few more days since I was late listening to it. It was a great reminder that God wants to give us abundant joy in all situations. (There's even a cameo appearance by CCC Korea's own Donnie!)

I feel so good (after a few weeks of putting off cleaning to study) now that my apartment is clean again. I still have some organizing to do, but the floor is clean, the dishes are washed, and the laundry is in the washing machine. I put some barley tea on the stove to brew, and some sweet potatoes in the toaster oven to make some soup with later. Mmmm. Maybe now it's time for a short nap before life group tonight.


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