...the life and times of church planting and language learning in south korea...

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

too hot and too cold

This morning when I got up, I turned on the shower. It usually takes a second for the water to get past freezing coming out of the spout, so I put some water on the stove to heat up for coffee while I'm in the shower. I went back to the shower and it was already steaming up the bathroom. I tried to get it to a normal temperature, but I soon realized that it wasn't gonna happen. I only had BURNING hot water coming out. I tried both sinks, too, and no cold water. I hoped by the time I got home after school it'd be fixed without me doing anything. Surely I'm not the only apartment with this problem. Well, it's midnight now and still not fixed. I know how to say "there's only hot water coming out," but past that, I probably won't be able to answer many questions when I tell the security man what the deal is. Ironic that on the coldest day of the year so far, I can't take a shower because my water is too hot!

Maybe this water problem is God giving me a chance to practice my Korean. (He knows I need the practice, and I started praying tonight for more chances to practice conversational Korean.) On Monday, I went to a movie and dinner with a girl who has started coming to our lifegroup on Saturdays. Her English is more limited than most of the people I hang out with. We spoke only Korean (with the exception of a few words) on Monday. It was great, but our conversation sure was limited. I ended up saying "yes" a lot. Now I understand more of why Koreans will often act like they understand when they really don't. I did that a lot on Monday. Pray for me to learn this language well, and faster too!


Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks! I really enjoy it, so it's not like I'm forcing myself to be in situations to only speak Korean, it's just that it doesn't happen as often as it should with a slew of non Korean friends and Korean friendss who speak English almost as well as I do.

7:52 AM


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