...the life and times of church planting and language learning in south korea...

Monday, October 25, 2004

hard, good questions

Tonight we had dinner and discussion with the group of people who have said they're interested in leading/serving/knowing more about our church. We had the team plus three more foreigners (that means non Korean) and we had six or seven Koreans there. One of the guys, a middle aged Korean guy who has been really gung ho about inviting people, bringing his family, and hungry for more, expressed his frustration that he can't communicate what he wants all the time and he can't always understand what we're trying to communicate. He said if we want our church to grow with Korean leadership (which we desperately do want!), we're going to have to overcome this obstacle. Donnie asked one lady, our first Korean life group leader, to share how she has overcome this, because her English skills aren't at the level where we can talk about deep things with her. She shared how she's being equipped with Shannon through another woman who can understand more. They're hard questions, but it was really good to hear him voice his frustrations, because I know he has a heart for our church to grow through Korean leadership. I know our church will grow through facing the hard questions like these, and that's exciting! Oh Lord, help us!

By the way, if you want to leave me a comment, just remember, I love it when you do! I got an email from a friend this week who said she reads my blog, but I had no idea. Leave me a comment to let me know who you are...I'm more likely to post more often when I know people are reading! :)


Blogger Jenni said...

Keep posting! I love hearing how you are expanding the kingdom in Korea!

8:43 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

thanks, jenni. you're my friend who's good at commenting!

1:59 PM


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