...the life and times of church planting and language learning in south korea...

Friday, May 21, 2004

rich mullins

I just "rediscovered" my Rich Mullins CDs and loaded them onto my computer and then onto my new MP3 player. I hope all of you know the beauty of Rich Mullins music. Some of it is a little cheesy, but some of it is so sweet and profound. I owe some of my love for Rich Mullins to my friend Paul Kelsey. (Paul, do you read this? If so, thanks.) We spent a summer in Romania with the Richardsons and the Honakers in Brasov. I probably owe much of the fact that I am here in Korea to all of those people because that was my first experience with real overseas missions. God did a lot in me that summer to give me a heart for missions and give me a desire to be sent out from my home church. Praise God that He is fulfilling those desires! Anyway...where was I going with this post? Not sure.

My Dad is coming to visit! Yay! He just decided this week and is coming June 1st through the 7th. I am really excited, but I have no idea what I will show him. He'll have some free time on his own while I work during the day, but hopefully we can spend some good time together. My schedule isn't too bad.


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