...the life and times of church planting and language learning in south korea...

Thursday, June 17, 2004

turning on lights

Our church has a new website: cypresscreekchurchkorea.com

Last night, we spent some time as a team with the summer team to prayer walk our neighborhood in Suji, where we will soon be having our gatherings at a new building at the bottom of the hill. We broke up into ones and twos to walk around and pray for awakening among the people in those apartment complexes. I sat down and watched some lights turn on in the apartments and I thought of how we are asking God to shine His light in their lives. Then, I thought, to do that, he must have already prepared the way with giving them a connection to electricity and wiring them to accept His light. So, I started praying that He would do that in the lives we come into contact with. We might be able to turn switches on, or just be honored enough to be present when that happens, but the real work is God's alone. He wires us to accept Him. He paves the way. Oh, God! Connect us with the people whom You are preparing for Yourself.

Two of the girls last night spoke about a desire to come back to Korea, maybe after they graduate. That's awesome. We have been praying for people to feel called to come. God is supplying our needs.

Today, it's raining. It's my morning off and I haven't left the apartment yet. I was going to go to a prayer group that prays for unity in the Korean churches and for North Korea, but when my alarm went off at 5am, I heard the rain and used it as an excuse to get back in bed. I want to get connected with some other people who have a heart for North Korea, but I will try out the group that meets on Monday (a hard day to get up anyway, but I will do it!) a little closer to my apartment, I think.


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