...the life and times of church planting and language learning in south korea...

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

hey, that's my bike!

So, my bike was stolen today. I keep praying that someone just decided to borrow it and will bring it back. I just left it outside my apartment while I went upstairs for about 30 minutes during a break from work. I didn't lock it (now I'm kicking myself). So, tonight as I walked home, I kept checking out everybody's bike, prepared to say "hey, that's my bike!" (Did you guys ever see Reality Bites? I think that was the name of Ethan Hawke's band.) I'm a little sad about it. Even though the bike was given to me, I had put some money into it to get a portable air pump (fits on the bike), a basket, and a new tire. Sad times.

Tonight, I got a discount ride in a taxi to the Suji apartment because I shared it with someone who got out before me. It was two guys in the backseat who had a little soju in their bellies. One of them wanted to know where I was from, and then before he got out, he told me I was charming. The taxi driver apologized and said some other stuff I couldn't understand.

Tonight we had "worship practice", which is for now a lot of prayer and a little practice. We are still praying in our worship leader who God has for us! Join us in that. In the mean time, we are still playing CDs and looking at new ways to bring some creativity and life into worship.


Blogger Jenni said...

Hey Lela! I was visiting with Irene Campbell regarding our 10-year high school reunion last night and she shared your blog info with me. How fun to catch up with you this way! I'd love to chat more over email, if you have the time....jennitrietsch@yahoo.com. (Tell your dad hello for me, too! :-)

3:02 AM


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