things to be excited about
Some really excellent things have been happening around here lately. I got into contact with a guy who was raised in Korea, but is from the States, who is in the process of setting up a training center to send people to North Korea. He is in and out of South Korea. Jason and I got to meet him on Monday for lunch and he shared some of his vision with us. It was really good to connect and have some face to face time with someone who is passionate about training and sending to North Korea. He emphasized a lot about the necessity of going in and rebuilding trust, rebuilding community. That's how we'll share the gospel. When the walls do fall, there will be amazing opportunities to rebuild the country based on God!
I also found a school that teaches English to North Korean refugees living in Seoul! I got in contact with a guy who volunteers there and am going to meet him on Monday and go with him to the school. I am super excited about that. It's close to Seoul National University, which I know has a language program to learn Korean, so maybe I could go to language school during the day there and then teach at the school for refugees at night. How excellent would that be? (You can pray with me that God will provide someone to take over my contract at my school so I can start all of these great things!)
I started private Korean lessons last week, because I didn't see any way in the near future to be able to take Korean classes, but I decided that it was too expensive to do private lessons if one of my main goals is to save money so I won't have to work next year. I was talking about this to a Korean friend of mine, who said that she insists I come to her office every Thursday when she gets off work and she will teach me for free. She said she wants to spend more time with me and she will ask God to give her the right way to teach me Korean. Again, how excellent.
A few more excellent things:
I discovered Ritz cracker sandwiches at a nearby mart that have yogurt flavored filling in the middle! Mmmmn, tasty.
There are a few people from the summer team who are thinking about staying or coming back at some point. (Clint is staying for one extra month, at least.)
I learned the word for mold (a popular topic right now, during this rainy season) - it sounds a lot like icky, so it's easy to remember.
I have much more, but at the moment can't think of all I want to write. More later. :)
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